So the main story line follows Gene Starwind, Jim Hawking, and Melfina along with the Outlaw star its computer AI system Gillaim II and the "Crew" consisting of an assasin named Twilight Suzuka, and its spunky Catrl-Catrl Aisha Clanclan as they search for the mysterious Galactic Layline. The anime starts with Gene and Jim kickin ass takin names and gettin laid (well not Jim cause he's just a 12 year old boy but Gene gets some action). Then a woman hires them to be her body guard. They find out that tao magic wielding space pirates are chasing her because she stole something from them. As it turns out part of what Hot Ice Hilda had stolen from the pirates was a briefcase containing an female bio android. Gene and Jim discover Melfina in the case during a crazy magic shoot out of sorts. Then shit ensues and Hilda shows Gene the ropes of being an outlaw in space. We also learn that Gene's father was killed when their ship was attacked Gene's dad was teaching Gene to pilot a ship and as a result Gene has a crippling phobia of space. As they get the Outlaw Star the crew has there first encounter with their other major enemies the McDougal brothers. Who's ship Gene remembers from when he and his Dad were attacked. That's where the story really starts to take off.
This anime has a little bit of everything; from sex-crazed-almost-sexy-til-you-realize-they-have-bird-head-aliens to guns that shoot magic bad ass bullets. The characters are all really bad ass and you can't help but like them all. You'll run in to all manner of cool stuff along the way but a lot of the story has the feel of filler until the last six episodes or so then everything takes off. I'm not saying the filler is bad but the whole time I just kept thinking I wanna know more about the Galactic Layline and see more crazy pirate shit. Still that's about one of the only negative things I can say about this. This show had a real sense of adventure about it and once you get into it you can't quite get out until its over so I would recommend a day and a half set aside for this one.
On the whole this was a really good one I haven't had time for a solid amount of tv watching lately but after I picked this back up today I didn't get up until I'd finished it. I would definitely tell you to watch this one its well above a lot of other anime.
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