This anime is narrated by the lead character Saki Morimi a young Japanese girl who is just about to finish college and is taking a trip to America to celebrate. While visiting the White House in DC she meets a naked man running around with a gun and a cell phone named Akira Takizawa. Saki gives Takizawa her coat hat and scarf to cover himself up so he can get home then heads for the airport so she can go back to Japan. Saki however realizes her passport is in her coat pocket and ditches her bag to chase after him. By the time Saki catches Takizawa we've learned that he has no memory of who he is, he's in possession of several passports himself, and he's got a shit ton of guns in his apartment. Takizawa selects a passport at random and heads to the airport with Saki and the two of them head to Japan where Takizawa discovers that his phone can do anything he asks it to. Hijinks then ensue.
This show is exceptionally well done. From episode one you're left with a sense of wonder and mystic. Who is Takizawa? How'd he get this phone? Where can I get one? Surprisingly for an anime of this length you find out almost all of the answers to the questions you ask with few exceptions. Eden of the East is exceptionally well planned out there aren't any notable plot holes and all of the characters are likable or have some sort of redeeming quality. There are two movies as well which may answer the few lingering questions in your mind like who is Mr. Outside and who is the Supporter but I haven't watched them so I couldn't tell you.
Once again I'd definitely say watch Eden of the East its on Hulu. Its got a really interesting story. The animation is quite good. It's short so it isn't much of a time commitment On the whole its got to be one of the better animes I've ever watched. I want to say again mad props to Dom for this one.
Aye the two movies answer the questions who is Mr. Outside, and who is the supporter. Tho i cant say i love where the movies end it, its acceptable for the series