Torchwood follows the story of Gwen Cooper a police officer who accidentally stumbles upon Torchwood a secret section of the British government charged with fighting aliens and figuring out how their technology works so humanity can defend themselves against alien incursion. The head of this branch of Torchwood die hard Who fans will recognize immediately as Captain Jack Harkness one of the Dr.'s companions from the first season of the 2005 series. That fact is one of the main reasons I would recommend Torchwood to people. It gives you a much more detailed history on one of the Dr.'s more interesting and less well known companions. Along with them they have a cynical douchey medical officer and an odd Japanese computer genius. Although I would have to say that one of my favorite characters on the show would be Ianto Jones who does a little of everything (including Jack) because of his witty one-liners and snappy dressing if nothing else. This is a show that I would suggest you not get too attached to any of the characters except Harkness as he cannot die because this takes place after Rose brought him back to life at the end of Dr. Who 2005 season 1.
All in all I wouldn't necessarily say this is a must see but if you're bored and looking for something to watch give it a shot unless you like Jack on Dr. Who then I'd say go right ahead you get a lot more of his goofy over the top attitude and "futuresque bi-sexuality." If you do like the show or just want to know how it may conclude season 4 of Torchwood starts airing again November 14th 2011 so you've got about a month to catch up.
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